2024 August Newsletter

August 15, 2024
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Growing Hope Fundraiser

Registration is open for Achieving Cures Together’s fourth annual Growing Hope Fundraiser! Please join us on Thursday, September 12th at 5:30pm. Hear from keynote speakers, Dr. Alexander Khoruts and Dr. Byron Vaughn on how advances in research restoring gut health can impact you and your loved ones. Enjoy award winning Sovereign Estate wine paired with a delicious culinary tour including a charcuterie buffet, shrimp and grits, butternut squash raviolis, Marquette meatballs and a harvest salad. Gluten free and vegetarian options are available.

Corporate Sponsor, Emily John Photography will be present taking complimentary family photos. Take your holiday card photo with the scenic vineyard and Lake Waconia as your backdrop! For more event details and registration, click below.

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Colfax Marathon

Achieving Cures Together had the privilege of presenting Emily Haller with the Robert E. Wilkens Award this spring during Colfax Marathon weekend. Emily has passionately fought for families battling C. difficile since 2016 after the heartbreaking passing of her Nana Joan to the disease. Her dedication has inspired the Denver community to rally, run, and raise over $87,000 for microbiota patient treatments and research. Thank you, Emily and the entire Run for Nana community, for your inspirational and selfless commitment.

Twin Cities Marathon

Achieving Cures Together’s race team is hitting the trails again this summer in preparation for the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday, October 6th. Join our team to run for microbiota treatments and patient health. We have a few openings remaining on our marathon and 10-mile teams. Sign up today to make an impact while enjoying the outdoors and receive a complimentary ACT race shirt! Not a runner but still want to support our race team? You can sponsor individual runners or our race team as a whole.

Race team registration and runner sponsorship information are available at: www.achievingcures.com/2024tcmarathon.

A Patient’s Experience with Microbiota Transplant Therapy

Courtney’s struggle with Crohn’s Disease began in the year 2000. After battling with the disease for two decades, including surgery and multiple rounds of medications, Courtney enrolled in a clinical trial for microbiota therapy for Crohn’s Disease. She shared “I received my Fecal Microbiota Transplant in June of 2023 and I haven’t looked back since. Life comes and goes, and I notice my symptoms correlate with that, but generally I am in great health and looking forward to having a future successful pregnancy. This has changed my life and I’m so thankful for it all!” Read more of Courtney’s story and additional patient experiences at: www.achievingcures.com/stories.

To help patients like Courtney, please consider a gift to supply treatments to clinical trials and patients.

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2024 Research Update

In May, ACT hosted a virtual research update featuring doctors leading clinical trials investigating the impact of gut restoration. Learn how your support is advancing medical care for patients with Autism, Pitt Hopkins Syndrome, Cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery and Hidradenitis Suppurativa. View highlights from our speakers below. Recorded copies of each individual presentation are available at: https://www.achievingcures.com/2024-research-partner-update.

Alexander Khoruts, M.D.

University of Minnesota

Microbiota Therapeutics Program Director

We are the only academic program that supports this research as well as helping patients, trying to advance science. The gastrointestinal tract is a very important part of our body, an active participant in everything else that happens… Microbes that live in the colon participate in all physiological processes, calibrating immune responses, interacting with the nervous system and regulating energy metabolism… [One of our main] objectives is to support early phase academic trials in different indications. Because the microbes are involved in pretty much every aspect of human physiology, the potential spectrum of indications is extremely broad.”

James Adams, Ph.D. & Khemlal Nirmalkar, Ph.D.

Arizona State University

Autism & Pitt Hopkins Disease

Our newest research we’ve done shows that now over 90% of children with autism have high levels of metabolites that are toxic... and come from bacteria in yeast. One example, para-cresol, in 17 studies, every study showing it’s elevated in Autism. We know it’s toxic in many ways. We discovered it’s not just para-cresol but many, many other bacteria and yeast metabolites that have similar effects. What’s exciting is that the only study we know of on how to decrease para-cresol was our first microbiota transplant study showing we were able to decrease it down to normal. We were also able to greatly improve GI symptoms.

Amanda Kabage

University of Minnesota

MTP Research Program Manager & Regulatory Specialist

Amanda shares the experiences of multiple families she’s worked with in single-patient clinical trials for Autism. A parent of a 14-year-old Autism patient shared, “She’s a totally different kid, her improvement is off the charts. She is off almost all of her prescription medications... She is significantly more flexible, pleasant, balanced and present. I would love to see what her microbiome looks like once you get that data. This is just a miracle and our family couldn’t be more grateful.”

Armin Rashidi, M.D., Ph.D.

Fred Hutchison Cancer Center

Graft Versus Host Disease

“In this first trial, which is now published in four papers, we showed that Fecal Microbiota Transplant was safe in arguably the most immunocompromised, fragile patient population in medicine… FMT modulated the microbiome with effects that … have been shown to be associated with better outcomes, particularly better engraftment seems to protect against acute GVHD. [The] second trial, which we are several months through is that by increasing the dose of FMT and by selecting the best stool donor we might be able to better prevent GVHD.”

Noah Goldfarb, M.D.

University of Minnesota

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

“Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a relatively common auto-inflammatory skin condition with devastating effects on quality of life and limited treatment options. HS involves skin and gut microbial dysbiosis that may be drivers of [the] disease. Research is underway to evaluate whether Microbiota Transplant Therapy will be an effective therapy for HS. We’ve had a few patients finish treatment and early results are very exciting.


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