Breakfast with food allergies: Blender Waffles

December 18, 2020
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When I realized I had multiple food allergies, one of the hardest meals of the day to plan for was breakfast. Pretty much all my standard morning fare contained gluten and/or lactose. Throughout my journey of finding meal options that are both tasty and don’t cause an internal battle, I’ve found a few favorites that my whole family enjoys! This is the first post of a blog series on breakfast options when struggling with food allergies. Bon appetit!


Dairy & Gluten Free Blender Waffles (or pancakes):

Adapted from:


2 cups gluten free old fashioned rolled oats

1 cup coconut milk (or other type of dairy free milk)

1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 tablespoon cacao powder

1 tablespoon honey

Pinch of salt

2 eggs

1 ripe banana


If you have a family of 5 like mine that can gobble one batch in a morning, you’re going to want to double the recipe and freeze some to pop in the toaster throughout the week. However, take note from someone who has overheated the blender, it’s best to mix each batch separately!


Preheat waffle iron to high (or skillet if making pancakes) and check your waffle iron instructions on whether cooking spray is needed. Add all ingredients to the blender. I tend to add the dry ingredients first and then use a spoon to allow the wet ingredients to reach the bottom for easier blending.

Scoop batter onto waffle iron or skillet. For smaller pancakes or waffles, use 1/3 cup batter. For larger waffles, use 3/4 cup batter. I cook my waffles for about 4-6 minutes. If making pancakes, cook until batter is bubbling, then flip and cook the other side.

Serve warm with butter and honey and enjoy!


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