Breakfast with Food Allergies: Smoothies

February 8, 2021
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Spinach (frozen or fresh)

Frozen blueberries

Almond milk, yogurt, kefir or coconut milk


Add all ingredients to blender. I tend to eyeball the ingredients, but for four small servings, I use 2 large bananas, a generous handful of spinach, about a 1/2 cup blueberries and 2-3 heaping scoops of yogurt or ½ cup of almond milk). If using yogurt, I recommend adding a few splashes of water before blending. We make variations on this smoothie throughout the week, so add whatever your taste buds are in the mood for! Not feeling much like blueberries? Add strawberries or a little almond butter and cacao powder instead. Looking for a creamier smoothie? Add some avocado! This smoothie is a refreshing way to get some greens in your breakfast routine. Enjoy!.



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