Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Researchers studied biomarkers of patients prior to Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT). Compared to 16 healthy control patients, "pre-transplant patients came to transplant with abnormal levels of all three biomarkers, reflecting residual damage from prior chemotherapy." The study suggests that pre-HCT interventions to the gut microbiome may decrease patient risk for Graft-Versus-Host disease post HCT. Read the study publication here.
Hear more about Graft versus Host disease from Dr. Shernan Holtan, researcher at the University of Minnesota.
Acute Leukemia: Chemotherapy & Gut Dysbiosis
This trial is an observational study monitoring the length of microbial disruption after chemotherapy and rounds of antibiotics for cancer treatment. Researchers found that microbial communities were "stressed beyond its ability to recover", even after antibiotics treatments ended.
You can read the trials research publication here and the clinical trial details here.
Acute Leukemia: Chemotherapy & Gut Dysbiosis
Researchers tracked the microbial communities of patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy for Acute leukemia and monitored the impact on the diversity of the gut microbiome. Investigators followed two groups of patients, those completing their first induction of chemotherapy and those undergoing repeat therapy.
The study found "larger departures of microbial communities from the pre-chemotherapy baseline during repeat therapy compared to first induction."
Read the trial publication here.
Checkpoint Inhibitor Colitis
The clinical trial for Checkpoint Inhibitor Colitis is pending regulatory approval. Please check back for additional updates.
Optimization of checkpoint immunotherapy against lung cancer
Investigators at the University of Minnesota are completing a phase II, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial in which patients receive either microbiota therapy or placebo alongside immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer. The clinical trial is underway with additional details available here.
Complications of Bone Marrow Transplantation
This phase 1 placebo-controlled trial demonstrated microbiota transplants are safe within this immunocompromised patient population. A follow up trial is underway to optimize dosing. Hear more about the impact of microbial restoration on Graft Versus Host Disease and non-cancer related mortality after bone marrow transplantation from Dr. Armin Rashidi here. You can also listed to updates from previous research studies with Dr. Shernan Holtan at the University of Minnesota here and from Dr. Armin Rashidi here.
Complications of Intensive Chemotherapy for Acute Leukemia
A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial investigating the impact of microbial restoration on patients being treated with intensive chemotherapy for acute leukemia. Study details are available here. Initial findings indicate Microbiota Transplant Therapy is safe in this patient population. A phase 2, randomized, double-blind trial found the patients receiving the active MTT therapy had a lower rate of infection than the placebo group.
Researchers are preparing for a third clinical trial to investigate whether FMT after an allogenic stem cell transplant, when compared to placebo, can prevent Acute-Versus-Host disease.